I am not sure whether you all have read the "Six Thinking Hats" by Edward de Bono before, but i strongly urge you all to at least give it a go. It's a simple book, but it somehow bring us closer to the way we think and see things in our life.
I would only highlight 2 colors out of the six colors being mentioned in the book. Black and Yellow...Black means negative thinking and Yellow means positive thinking. Generally, black is perceived as a dark color and yellow is more towards a bright vibrant color. Well, if everytime before or during we make decisions, if you were somebody which has been inherited with Black Hat Thinking. you would always think of negative outcome 1st instead of positive outcome. For instance, " Our company would place an advertisement here" .....Positive thinking would immediately gives you positive answer such as. "Good Idea, This is how we can further innovate our advertisement and increase it's visibility"....Negative thinking would straight away say, "It's not good to do this, or place it there. what if this happen and many curiosity would appear in his mind" WHY? Reason being....he/she is so used to wearing the Black Hat in making decision and putting thoughts. Black Hat thinking is good when we need to do certain evaluative judgement, too much of black is not good. We need a balance of few colors to make a good judgement in our thinking. My belief is, Yellow Hat thinking is the strongest among all, it gives you the power or urge to create something great or out of this world. It gives you the strength and courage to proceed to the next level of career or your life. Why are there so many new ideology, concept, technology, scientific discovery and etc.....simply because they believes in what they are doing and they are always positive in searching for the best out of what they are doing. "Dreaming or Thinking of The Impossible" to me is a very powerful thoughts. It would give u the extra edge in you mindset, it would make you feel good at the same time. Everybody is born with their own speciality and talent, only you know what you are good at. Therefore, use you talent and add-on more "Yellow" instead of "Black" to it. Black will always give you FEAR!.....Yellow would always give you COURAGE! .....of course there are many other elements which is important in life, another example of color is "Green", which means creative thinking.
What i learnt from the "Six Thinking Hats" is, people should only keep good thinking with them, bad thinking must be minimized in our life. On each and every occasion or circumstance, we should wear different colors of hat to make decision. We shouldn't just rely on one color of hat to make that decision.