Wednesday, September 17, 2008

70-300 Tamron is a good buy...

Really like my new toy which only cost rm620. I would highly recommend it because it's really value for are soft above 200mm but at rm620 wat can we expect...great bargain...i think it's one of the cheapest telefoto lense out there...

Great Saturday Noon Blue Sky

Another Blue Sky

Fullmoon..too bad no tripod...

Black n White Evening Palm Tree Shade

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Evening shots of moon n sky..

Moon River.....

It would be nice if we could travel to the moon at nite to have a cup of coffee on d Moon's Cafe.... perhaps i can meet E.T. on d moon. I suppose coffee on d moon should be iced cold...."Fly Me To The Moon"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Mickey Has Grown Up....

The little monster in my house has grown up so fast...after about 7 months living with us, i've seen him shedding much of his infant fur and now he had matured fur...I shall say i m glad i had him as a great TV company every weekend when i watch football.

Monday, September 8, 2008

TQ Sue Ann ...

Had a saturday morning outing wit CK, Jeff+Hui Peng, Benjamin+Joey and Sue Ann+Carol at the Sentul East Park to practise some potrait taking shots. Here is some of my personal favourites...i think need to have more training to be better...still a long way to go...

Remembering Leslie....

I forgot to pay my tribute to Leslie when he jumped from Mandarin Hotel few years ago. I now i hope it's not too late for us to remember his contributions to the art and music industry. R.I.P. Leslie........






Coming Soon...

So fast one year has passed by...very soon it would be my 1st year wedding anniversary. 29th Sept...what shall i do ...i believe i would be heading for some nice dinner with my wife. Hopefully one fine day i could go to Santorini,Greece to celebrate my anniversary...hahhahahahah....dream on....

Option One : Western Food

Option Two: Italian Food

Option 3: Chinese Food